the Pipe and Tabor compendium

the Pipe and Tabor compendium

essays on the three-hole pipe

Street entertainers

child dancers

1849-50 “The street dances are always performed on a small piece of board (about three feet long and two feet wide),
placed in the middle of the road. The most popular dances are the Sailor's Hornpipe - in and out of fetters -
the Lancashire Clog dance, the Highland Ring, and a comic medley dance.  ..... Included in the twelve London
street-dancers are six children; these are girls from five to fifteen years of age. The fathers of these girls play the
drum and pipes...There is no female above 20 dancing in the streets of London. "

‘The Morning Chronicle : Labour and Poor’ Henry Mayhew who observed, documented and described the state of working people
in London for a series of articles in a newspaper, the Morning Chronicle, that were later compiled into book form.

18501850Illustrated London News - Saturday 30 March 1850
1851 Mayhew interviewed a street acrobat: 1851

1859 story - at  nine o'clock in the evening:
“...a fife and tabour announce the advent of a little dancing boy and girl, with a careworn mother,
in the street below. I look from my window, and see the little painted people capering in their
spangles and fleshings and short calico drawers....”

‘Twice Round the Clock, or The Hours of the Day and Night in London’, by George Augustus Sala   

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